26 January 2011

Feel free to weep tears of joy--the SLJ Battle of the Kids' Books is back!

At the risk of effusing, it is with great delight that I announce the return of the School Library Journal Battle of the Kids' Books. Not that I have anything to actually do with it, per se, except act as cheerleader and generally gush about it to my readers (who are hopefully following it themselves.) This is the tournament's third year, and it is still early days over at the Command Center. But Team BoB has presented its list of 16 finalists which will go head to head until there is but one remaining title. The one thing that really strikes me about this year's list is this: I have only read a single title from it! The shame........

Still, it's early days, with the website still under construction, so there's plenty of time for me to catch up. And I am curious to see if they raise the ante even further. Last year they introduced the Undead Round. What surprises do they have in store this year? Go to the aforementioned web site for links to last year's tournament, if you missed out on the fun and want to see what it's all about. You can also follow the BoB on twitter.

Hold on to your hats, folks! This should be fun.

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