01 December 2008

NYT notable Children's Books of 2008

The New York Times has listed it's notable children's books of 2008. Yet again, I must protest that of the 8 books listed, five of them are really YA titles. There are no books for early readers, (Elephant and Piggie are more then adequate,) middle readers (hello, Mercy Watson) or anything for the formidable 8-12 tween demographic. It's either picture books or 12 and up. What a swiz! And again, why do they limit the list to 8? I realize that illustrated picture books get their own list, but even that only brings the total of notable children's books to 24. Adult books get a list of 100! No balance whatsoever.

However, one comment I can make in favor of this list is that it includes Wabi Sabi. And readers of this blog heard it here first, back in June, that this was a special book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

children's literature, as usual, is under-valued. Humph to the New York Times!

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